KÜBLER hall heating systems

Values & Culture

Our passion for heat goes far beyond the development of climate-friendly hall heating systems. It is the warmth of a corporate culture based on strong values: A spirit of innovation, sustainability and responsibility.
KÜBLER energy-saving hall heating systems

The focus is on people

People meet people. In the company. In the markets. In the public. One of the most important concerns at KÜBLER is therefore to live and promote a corporate culture based on ethical principles. It is characterized by team spirit and mutual respect. Of openness and fairness.
This is the only way to build trust. And initiative. Commitment, which we need in order to continue to grow and add value. This is the only way to build and maintain long-term business relationships. And this is the only way to earn the excellent reputation that distinguishes us as a company and employer.
KÜBLER hall heating systems

Our mission statement

KÜBLER's mission statement was developed by our employees. An understanding of values that everyone can identify with and that gives us binding orientation. Who we are, how we act, how we communicate. In our dealings with each other, with our customers and business partners. Across national, cultural and ethnic boundaries.
Our goal is to inspire people. Through excellent technologies and solutions. Through the way we solve tasks and challenges - better than our clients expect. In short: by giving our best. Every day. Our entire value chain is geared towards this goal. From the initial consultation to our after-sales services. Enthusiasm - that is our understanding of customer orientation.
Performance pleasure
Anyone aiming for nothing less than the future of energy-efficient hall heating needs vision. And a workforce that is passionately committed to its goals. Enjoying what they do, the courage to take on challenges, the willingness to give their best every day - typical of the KÜBLER workforce. After all, this is how we ensure not only the success of our company, but also the livelihood of our families.
As a company that measures its self-image against the standards of sustainability, KÜBLER assumes responsibility. As a business partner. As an employer. For the environment and society.

This point is so important to us that we have dedicated a separate article to it:
Find out here how responsibility and sustainability are combined at KÜBLER
Openness & transparency
The one is closely linked to the other. Without these two attitudes, trusting cooperation is not possible. That's how we see it at KÜBLER. That is why communication and exchange are so extremely important to us. Within the company across all levels and locations. Outside the company, in cooperation with our clients and business partners. Openness and transparency require the courage to confront other ways of thinking. At KÜBLER, they are important stimuli for creativity and development.
KÜBLER hall heating systems
Let's take the next step together
Every hall is different. With more than 30 years of company history, there is hardly a requirement that is foreign to us. Together with our customers, we have implemented the right solutions. If you are ready to implement economically proven heating concepts for your hall, then you have come to the right place.
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