
Revolutionary heat: KÜBLER hall heating systems set a new standard at the Mußbach gymnastics club

August 11, 2023
Hall heating on wooden ceiling of sports hall

Turnverein 1860 Mußbach e.V. is a traditional sports club with a long history. Since it was founded in 1860, it has got a large number of people of all ages and backgrounds moving and now has over 1,200 members. The club offers a wide range of sporting activities. Dieter Hackebeil, former chairman of the club and now (un)retired, was the main person responsible for the renewal of the heating system at the time and can "only praise KÜBLER to the skies." Satisfaction and conviction are the key words here.

"The technology has to be convincing, as does the cost-benefit ratio, and KÜBLER definitely fits the bill."

The gymnastics club's old blower heating system had long been a source of dissatisfaction. Both with Dieter Hackebeil and with all the members. The issue of dust and air turbulence was a particularly acute problem in the gymnasiums. But the noise level was also a frequent source of dissatisfaction. Due to different training times, the requirements for the desired temperature were always different. The fan heating was neither temperature-regulating nor could it be switched on precisely. As club members increasingly complained, it was clear that a new heating system was needed. However, bad experiences in the past meant that the decision was not easy at first.

The objectives for the renewal of the gymnastics club's hall heating system were clear:

  1. Increase the satisfaction of club members with silent heating.
  2. Ensure better controllability of the hall heating with a control system.
  3. And no dust and air turbulence in the hall.

The project

Dieter Hackebeil, former chairman of the board of the Mußbach gymnastics club, knew: "We have to get away from the old forced-air heating system, which is neither efficient nor satisfactory." He came across KÜBLER GmbH through his own research. A competitor was already involved at the beginning, but was quickly rejected. Mr. Hackebeil emphasizes that he has always been a supporter of the region and saw the many advantages of having a company nearby. He describes himself as a layman, who has independently investigated the various techniques. The first consultation with Mr. Bolch was immediately convincing: "Mr. Bolch's visit was competent and unobtrusive. The decision was made immediately: we would realize the project with KÜBLER. To this day, we do not regret this decision in any way." A reference visit to a nearby hall also gave Mr. Hackebeil more insight and allowed him to experience the warmth of the radiant heating systems live for the first time. This also confirmed the decision he had previously made.
Commissioning was carried out in August. It was important to Dieter Hackebeil to install the new hall heating system in the same year. This meant that the first heating period could be used straight away.

"Radiant heat is simply something different. It's much more pleasant and the heat is right where you need it."

Were there any special features or challenges during assembly?

"The only challenge I saw was in our old building. The hall to be heated had been standing since 1936 and the ceiling was not properly insulated," says Dieter Hackebeil. But even that turned out to be no problem in the end. The installation was carried out silently by a local heating engineer. Commissioning was then carried out by an experienced fitter from KÜBLER, who also instructed the responsible colleague in the association on how to control and regulate the hall heating. This expertise enabled a quick familiarization with the control system and optimum operation of the hall heating.

And the bottom line?

Consistently positive feedback from club members. Through various trial runs, energy savings of 40-50 % were already achieved in the first year. Everyone is more than enthusiastic. Satisfied athletes and significantly lower costs - the new heating system has really helped everyone.
"Our training sessions sometimes take place at very different times. Sport used to start at 2 p.m., for example, but the heating had to be switched on at 12 noon due to the long lead time. So much energy was wasted. Now we have to switch on the heating shortly before training starts and we get a pleasant feeling of warmth straight away. The hall heaters from KÜBLER have never disappointed us in recent years and have always been a source of great enthusiasm."

"It is my deep conviction to recommend KÜBLER hall heating systems to others."

What feedback do the members of the gymnastics club give?

Before the heating modernization, the feedback was consistently negative: "What kind of stupid and noisy heating is that?". Since the installation of the KÜBLER hall heating systems, we have heard nothing but praise. There has not been a single negative comment. "I am always happy to recommend KÜBLER hall heaters to others. Not because I benefit from them, but because I am very deeply convinced of the technologies and I am happy to use my voice to encourage even more hall operators or owners to switch."
"KÜBLER will be back in Mußbach at some point, you have to keep up with the times," says Dieter Hackebeil, indicating that the partnership between the club and KÜBLER will remain promising in the future.

Everything you need to know about energy-saving hall heating systems in practice
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KÜBLER hall heating systems
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