KÜBLER project reports

"This heater is unbeatable."

Ted Long is a passionate golf professional and coach. This is evident in his training style. In his personal successes. In the successes of his team. And in his enthusiasm. When he talks about heaters. Specifically: about the infrared heating systems from KÜBLER, which heat the training boxes at his home club, the Mannheim-Viernheim 1930 e. V. golf club, in winter. Almost 5 [...]

Ted Long is a passionate golf professional and coach. This is evident in his training style. In his personal successes. In the successes of his team. And in his enthusiasm. When he talks about heaters. Specifically: about the infrared heating systems from KÜBLER, which heat the training boxes at his home club, the Mannheim-Viernheim 1930 e. V. golf club, in winter.

Almost 5 months forced break. The initial situation

Ted Long is convinced that the joy of golf is the best motivation for training. It's no wonder that the driving range is virtually extinct in our part of the world for four to five winter months. "The kids come home from school at 4 pm. Nobody wants to stand in the tee boxes in the dark and freezing cold," says Ted Long. Apart from the fact that the thick winter clothing hinders the swing. And everything simply reacts differently in the cold: the person, the clubs, the balls. But if sports stadiums, tennis courts or riding arenas can be heated without any problems and can therefore be used all year round - why not tee boxes?

Obvious. The heating solution for the driving range

The answer to this question was literally obvious to the GCMV board. The headquarters of infrared heating specialist KÜBLER is located on the other side of the Rhine. With its heating systems, the Ludwigshafen-based company is one of the technology leaders in the industry. The company has received multiple awards for the special energy efficiency and innovative content of its solutions. Including the German Sustainability Award. The energy efficiency of these systems was one of the reasons for the Executive Board's decision. However, this was also important: "First and foremost, it was important to us that the boxes were really evenly warm everywhere," says Michael Stetter, Vice President of the club. "And that we invest in a reliably functioning solution that is designed for the long term."

Solar heat in the boxes. The technology

Infrared is the heating principle of choice when it comes to the energy-saving heating of halls. In industry as well as in the event, exhibition and sports sectors. What makes infrared heat so efficient? So pleasant? Answer: The heat principle of the sun. Infrared rays do not produce warm air. They heat the body and objects they hit (every skier knows this from sunbathing despite the freezing cold air temperature). This means there are no unpleasant draughts. And there are no unused heat pockets under the roof - the decisive efficiency factor. In addition, infrared rays can be directed in a similar way to light. Entire surfaces are thus evenly "illuminated".

"What's holding us back? A few days of snow at the most. Otherwise, we now train all year round. And that benefits the teams, the members, the whole life of the club."
Michael Stetter, Vice President GCMV

The Mannheim-Viernheim Golf Club is one of the oldest clubs in Germany. Obviously, the tranquil private club in the Rhine-Neckar triangle is also one of the most ambitious. It pursues ambitious sporting goals. Ted Long, one of the best coaches (1) in Germany, has been the club's head professional since 2012. The men's team has been playing at national league level for years - winning the German Team Championships in 2014 (2). A great deal of commitment is put into the up-and-coming youth teams. And the club also focuses on top performance when it comes to training conditions: in winter, the tee boxes on the driving range are heated by four infrared systems from KÜBLER's OPTIMA plus high-performance series.

(1) Ted Long was named Germany's best coach in 2014 by the PGA of Germany as
"Trainer of the Year" award.

(2) The first men's team won the 2014 German Team Championships at the Final Four of the German Club Cup.

Tailor-made for golf. The control system

The Management Board had special ideas when it came to the control system. "We had integrated our ball machines into an electronic billing system. Of course, we expected the same convenience for the heating," says Jürgen Bichelmeier, club treasurer. The intuitively operated control cabinet concept now conceals a completely newly programmed solution, specially designed for the Mannheim-Viernheim Golf Club. Heating and lighting are activated and billed separately for each box. In two heat levels depending on the outside temperature. Recreational golfers use the DGV membership card - just like the ball machines. Pros operate the heating using their key and the ProAktiv button.

The control system for infrared heaters and lighting was specially developed for the GCMV. Easy to operate and integrated into the club's electronic billing system.

The control system for infrared heaters and lighting was specially developed for the GCMV. Easy to operate and integrated into the club's electronic billing system.

The high-performance systems from KÜBLER also meet aesthetic requirements. Available in a variety of colors, they can be discreetly concealed in the roof construction. Or interpreted as an accent.

In conversation with Ted Long

Ted, the four KÜBLER heating systems have been in use for three winters now. How did this come about in the first place?

I knew that KÜBLER hall heating systems are also used in the sports sector. So Michael and I simply had a look to see whether the systems could be suitable for us. In Ludwigshafen, they had set up a simulation especially for this purpose. That was great. I was able to scale up at my leisure. Until I said: Yes. This is how I want it and nothing else! That's exactly how KÜBLER then built the heaters for us.

Had the club previously looked at other technologies?

Yes, pretty much everything. We've even tried one or two things. I know the best driving ranges in the world - but nowhere have I seen anything as good as our solution.

What were your first experiences with the new heaters?

Great from day one. We've never had such a high proportion of training in our youth program in winter - the kids all enjoy coming because they can now train in a pleasantly warm and relaxed environment. These heaters simply work unbeatably well.

And the teams - how have they reacted to the new training conditions?

The girls and boys, as well as us coaches, were completely euphoric. But the fact is: even the recreational athletes are thrilled. You haven't seen most of them outside for a good quarter of a year. Now the driving range is really full, even in winter.

When will the heaters be used?

We have deliberately designed the heaters so that the temperature can be set differently. For cold and very cold outside temperatures. But experience shows that the heaters are already being used when it could just get cold.

You turned the winter into a full training season with the heating systems. Was that a strategic move on the way to the 2014 championship title?

If there is a strategy, then it is called "having fun with golf". There is no obligation to train with us. But of course it's more fun to train when the conditions are pleasant. And in my experience, it is quite likely that more training leads to more success.

"Infrared heaters make you want to work out more" - is that your conclusion?

Of course. As a coach, I would never work without these systems again. They also make us proud. As far as I know, we are the only club in the world that can offer such ideal training conditions.

The GCMV also focuses on top performance when it comes to training conditions: in winter, the tee boxes on the driving range are heated by four infrared systems from KÜBLER's high-performance OPTIMA plus series.


With its innovative infrared systems, KÜBLER GmbH develops and sells cutting-edge technologies for energy-efficient hall heating. As a full-service provider of turnkey solutions, the company offers a comprehensive range of products for a wide variety of hall types and room environments. KÜBLER has made a significant contribution to the breakthrough of modern infrared technology in Germany and regularly receives awards for its innovative achievements.

National and international awards include the Federal Prize for Outstanding Innovative Achievements from the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2004, the Bavarian State Prize in 2006, the Rhineland-Palatinate Innovation Prize in 2012 and the German Sustainability Award. KÜBLER received the highest German award for sustainable entrepreneurship in the category "Germany's most sustainable product" for the special energy efficiency of the H.Y.B.R.I.D. system.

Founded in 1989, the company employs over 100 people and is one of the top companies in the industry in Europe with locations in Ludwigshafen, Dresden, Hagen, Hamburg, Ingolstadt, Prague (Czech Republic), Fegyvernek (Hungary), numerous foreign agencies and a nationwide service network.

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KÜBLER hall heating systems
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