Reduce sick leave - increase productivity

The problem: Heating systems commonly used in production halls or warehouses blow warm air into the work areas. This not only stirs up dust and disperses aerosols, but also creates an unpleasant working atmosphere. It is not uncommon for sauna conditions to prevail in the immediate vicinity of the blowers and it can often be observed that people work in T-shirts under these conditions, even if the temperature outside is below zero. But no one puts on a jacket when the gate is open or when a quick walk across the yard is required.
One of Europe's leading manufacturers of precision chains in North Rhine-Westphalia regularly struggled with this problem in winter. The solution emerged as a side effect after the decision had actually been made to install a new, energy-saving hall heating system for economic reasons. This not only reduced the previously enormously high energy costs, but also significantly optimized heating comfort. This is because the infrared technology used ensures a pleasant, uniform and draught-free working climate in the hall buildings. In addition, the temperature can be precisely controlled, for example to a working temperature of 18 °C in the production area. Employees in production now work in seasonally appropriate clothing and absenteeism due to illness has fallen measurably.
If you would like to find out more about reducing sick leave and these heating solutions, please contact Contact us on.
By the way: The next Hot tip around the topic Hall building & energy efficiency we'll tell you next time.
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