
4 good reasons to invest in an energy-saving and environmentally friendly hall heating system

19 May 2021
Person touches energy efficiency scale holographically

Climate neutrality and energy efficiency are topics that can no longer be avoided these days. Ever since the coalition agreement of our new coalition government was presented, it has been clear that everything should be done to stop climate change in the coming decades. As in the private sphere, industry must also do its part to protect the climate and combat global warming. An important point here is to invest in an environmentally friendly heating system, so that energy efficiency is also required in companies. In this article, you can read about the specific reasons for investing in a new heating system and striving for high energy efficiency in your company.

The pillars of the energy transition and how high energy efficiency in your company supports it

The energy transition plays a central role in industry and politics - the aim is to achieve a high level of energy efficiency in companies and the private sector. This means Away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energies and greater efficiency. The motto for transforming the energy supply in the coming decades is therefore clear. The energy transition is based on the following pillars:

  1. Expansion of renewable energies
  2. Increase the Energy efficiency for electricity, heating and cooling supply
  3. Increased energy saving

They play a key role in determining how hall operators should plan their heating systems in future: Energy-saving and environmentally friendly in order to achieve the highest possible energy efficiency in their company. This applies to both new buildings and refurbishment projects. Looking at these pillars, four reasons can be derived from them as to why you should aim for high energy efficiency in your company as early as possible.

1. numerous subsidies promote energy-efficient refurbishment

Particularly when modernizing the energy efficiency of your hall buildings, you can take advantage of numerous funding programs and grants that will pave the way to high energy efficiency in your company. For example, up to 80 % of the costs for consulting services are covered by an energy consultant. The consultant will show you where there is potential for savings in your company. Whether this involves technical or structural measures is the same. This is because the overall energy balance of the building is considered as the basis for assessment. The federal government's funding opportunities include Federal subsidy for efficient buildings (BEG) or the Federal funding for energy efficiency in the economy.

2 With a high level of energy efficiency in your company, you pay less CO₂-taxes

In order to give consumers an incentive to rely more heavily on renewable energy sources, the CO2-pricing or CO2-tax came into force. From 2021, the price of fossil fuels such as heating oil, liquid and natural gas, coal, petrol and diesel will increase every year. This is because manufacturers and distributors must now purchase emission allowances, the cost of which they pass on to consumers. This means that anyone who operates their heating system with fossil fuels and does not optimize their energy consumption must expect costs to rise. This in turn means that anyone who focuses on high energy efficiency in his or her company will benefit. Efficient, environmentally friendly heating systems that consume less Energy and, if possible, with the lowest-carbon fossil fuel. Energy source Gas-fired boilers, which will increasingly be able to run on renewable energy in the future, are the ideal alternative to outdated heating systems. This saves you heating costs and contributes to climate protection at the same time.

3. energy efficiency in companies is a central component of the energy transition

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy's Energy Efficiency Strategy 2050 sets clear targets: By 2030 primary energy consumption in Germany is to be reduced by 65% compared to 1990. A reduction target of at least 88 percent applies by 2040. Germany is to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045. The measures for this are bundled in the National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency (NAPE 2.0). "The cleanest and cheapest energy is energy that is not consumed in the first place" is the motto of the Energy efficiency strategy. In order to achieve these goals, Germany wants to Energy efficiency in companies, particularly in the building sector, establish energy efficiency as a return on investment and business model and increase personal responsibility for energy efficiency.

In summary, for you as a hall operator this means that you will no longer be able to avoid energy efficiency in your company in the future. Hall heating systems consume around six to twenty times as much energy over their entire life cycle compared to the investment costs. In view of the total cost of ownership, the rising price of fossil fuels and the growing demands on your company's energy efficiency, it therefore makes little economic sense to invest in conventional heating systems. You should therefore plan New construction or renovation of your hall buildings in the long termto avoid having to replace your heating system in a few years.

Modern hall heating systems impress with their efficient operation, which means that the investment costs are amortized in a very short time. They are therefore not only worthwhile from an energy policy perspective, but also in terms of the total cost of ownership. A modern gas-powered infrared heater, for example, works so efficiently that you can achieve energy savings of up to 70 %. In addition, industrial heaters have long been able to be networked with other technologies to maximize energy efficiency for your company: residual heat can be used to generate hot water, for example, which can then be used to heat adjacent offices. Waste heat from production processes can be integrated into the systems, as can energy from solar thermal energy. And one thing is clear: the less energy you let go to waste, the more environmentally friendly your company is.

4. energy efficiency in the company with a certain degree of self-determination - how the GEG gives you leeway when planning your heating system

Owners of newly constructed buildings are obliged to use renewable energies - but the situation is quite different for hall buildings. This may come as a surprise, because since the EnEV and EEWärmeG were passed in a rush over 10 years ago, there has been a persistent rumor that there is no way around renewable energies in non-residential buildings either - even though they are often not the most efficient choice.

This supposed requirement is still firmly anchored in the minds of many planners, as the second pillar of the energy transition - namely energy efficiency in companies and private buildings - was ignored by legislators at the time. The same applies to the fact that hall buildings have completely different physical and heating requirements than multi-storey buildings. However, this was gradually rectified with the amendments to the EnEV and EEWärmeG. And most recently in November 2020, when the new Building Energy Act came into force: the GEG focuses on the principle of "efficiency instead of substitution". From a hall height of 4 m, you do not have to use renewable energies when operating decentralized heating systems, which in most cases actually leads to greater energy efficiency in your company.

When planning your heating system, you therefore have numerous options for making it both environmentally friendly and efficient. And this is also possible with the low-carbon fossil fuel natural gas, as long as your Industrial heating works efficiently. This is because this fuel has a good primary energy factor, is increasingly green due to the upcoming synthesization and is considered a bridging technology on the way to a climate-neutral future.

Conclusion: There is much to be said for high energy efficiency in the company through environmentally friendly hall heating systems

The energy and cost savings in particular speak for themselves when you consider investing in a Modern heating system to think about. In addition, legislation is increasingly urging companies to focus on high energy efficiency through environmentally friendly technologies in the interests of climate protection. This is also supported by numerous funding programs. There are therefore no more excuses for an energy-efficient refurbishment or environmentally friendly new planning - so don't wait any longer and focus on the highest possible energy efficiency in your company. Tackle the project - KÜBLER will be happy to support you.

Everything you need to know about energy-saving hall heating systems in practice
Saving energy is a big issue - across all sectors. If you want to put an end to inefficient heating systems, our guide is just right for you!
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KÜBLER hall heating systems
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