A question of the right attitude:
KÜBLER Heating Services has a lot going for it
KÜBLER Heating Service: Annual maintenance
In the cold season, a flawless heat flow is a decisive production factor. Who wants to leave that to chance? Prevention is the key here. Annual maintenance is therefore a must and always pays off. After all, there is hardly a nastier surprise than an unplanned breakdown. KÜBLER's customer service ensures that unnecessary heating energy consumption avoided and ensures that the Optimum utilization of the high efficiency and running time of your system become.
Your advantages:
- Availability and Long running times secure
- Warranty receive
- Warranty periods extend (new installations)

KÜBLER Efficiency increase
At KÜBLER, we work tirelessly to apply our efficiency concepts and ideas to the technically best possible level of the current time to bring it up to date. If you have opted for a hall heating system from us and have already been using it for some time, we will be happy to update your existing system to the latest state of the art. There are many options for this. For example, individual Replace components such as turbulators or reflectors or install our latest heating control system for the targeted optimization and saving of energy flows. Up to 15 % extra energy for the hot water supply can also be obtained from the Residual heat utilization draw.
Your advantages:
- From leading Innovations benefit
- Efficiency benefits use
- Life cycle assessment optimize
- Heating costs save

KÜBLER Heating Service: Extended service life
KÜBLER hall heating systems are designed for durability. Our claim to Longevity and sustainability Accordingly, almost all of the systems that we installed 25 years ago are still in operation today. This is due to the high-quality workmanship of our appliances, the forward-looking annual service as well as spare parts reliability, including the possibility of replacing components and systems with new developments and thus generating greater savings.
Your advantages:
- All-round carefree from heating season to heating season
- Reliable Compliance with all regulations and legal provisions
- Reduced life cycle costs

KÜBLER Heating Service: Increased comfort
Because every hall has different special features, our flexibly deployable systems especially tailored to this. Starting with the extra sound insulation for event and exhibition rooms, the room air-independent fresh air supply for halls with contaminated room air through to the Any extension and conversion of your hall heating depending on the current conditions
Your advantages:
- Spot illumination defined hall areas
- Customized solutions for special types of halls (sports, events, etc.)
- Simple customization to changed terms of use

KÜBLER system testing and gas testing for your heating system
Heating systems are a long-term investment for which you need a reliable, goal-oriented long-term partner including system testing and gas testing. This is because important information and details about adaptations, spare parts and extensions are often missing if systems were installed some time ago. You can therefore rely on our qualified service staff, who will inspect your existing system as part of a system inspection. On request, we can also carry out the annual gas inspection of your heating system in accordance with TRGI 2018 or perform the pressure and leakage test for you. System documentation included.
Your advantages:
- Overview about the current system configuration
- Annual service, gas, pressure and leak testing from a single source
- Current Plant documentation for certification according to ISO 50001