World first wins Rhineland-Palatinate Innovation Award. FUTURA heats halls for the energy transition: With electricity, with hydrogen, with gas.

"The energy transition needs realistically feasible and affordable solutions",
says Thomas Kübler, expert in hall heating technologies and founder of KÜBLER GmbH. One such solution is the latest development from the Ludwigshafen-based company - called FUTURA. The innovative infrared hall heating system integrates LED hall lighting in a single device. Above all, however, it enables the economical path to CO2-This world first can be operated - in mixed or mono mode - with renewable or established energy sources. An important contribution to climate protection, which the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture awarded the Rhineland-Palatinate Innovation Prize on Friday as the winner in the "Craft" category.
FUTURA is a highly efficient, multi-energy carrier-capable, fully digitalized infrared heating system for CO2-neutral heat supply for industrial and other hall buildings. Regardless of whether green hydrogen or electricity determines the future: FUTURA can do both. The multi-energy IR heating system can also use biogas, (biogenic) liquid gas or natural gas and allows variable switching between the energy sources depending on availability. This balances out the volatility of renewable energies and thus ensures operational reliability.
"FUTURA is the investment-safe hall heating solution for the entire transformation path of decarbonization - from today to beyond 2045."
The FUTURA is installed on the hall ceiling and thus ensures maximum flexibility for the use of the hall floor and work areas. The infrared heating works in the same way as the sun. It heats everything that is illuminated: People, machines, hall floor. The heat comes from above, below and from all sides at the same time. The ideal way to heat large rooms effectively and economically, as this heat transfer is energy-efficient with savings of 50 to 70 percent. "With FUTURA, we heat flexibly in terms of time and location," says Kübler, "because we only cover the heat demand that actually exists. After all, the most efficient heating system is the one that isn't running."
The multi-energy infrared heater brings light into the energy revolution.
Since lighting and infrared heating work according to the same physical laws, both systems often compete for space under the hall ceiling. This problem is solved because FUTURA can optionally combine both functions in one device. This also increases the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of the innovation, as only one infrastructure is required for both functions. It also reduces planning, implementation, space requirements and service costs. The energy-saving LEDs provide high-quality light and fatigue-free working conditions. They are glare-free, flicker-free, highly efficient and CE-compliant.
KÜBLER wins the prestigious innovation award for the fourth time.
"Innovations are the engine of our economy and therefore a guarantee for prosperity," says Minister of Economic Affairs Daniela Schmitt, who presented the prestigious award during the festive award ceremony at the Kaiserslautern Vocational Training and Technology Center. This is the fourth time that KÜBLER has been recognized by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate for its outstanding innovative achievements. The Rhineland-Palatinate Innovation Prize is awarded jointly by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture and the Rhineland-Palatinate Chambers of Industry and Commerce and Chambers of Crafts. The jury has awarded the prizes in the categories "Company", "Craft", "Cooperation", "Special Industry Prize" and "Special Prize of the Minister of Economic Affairs 2023: CO2-reduction through innovative processes and products'".
Find out more about our FUTURA multi-energy infrared system now:
Ludwigshafen, August 2020 | Decentralized infrared radiant heating systems are the technology of choice in tall buildings with ceiling heights of over 4 meters. Here, they are often functionally superior to alternative heating systems. Their efficiency is so high that they have been able to exceed climate protection requirements for years, even without the integration of renewable energies. They also offer clear advantages in terms of investment costs, as studies have shown. With the entry into force of the GEG, high-efficiency technologies such as decentralized infrared heating systems are finally finding their way into legislation.
Ludwigshafen, August 2023: Konrad Stockmeier, FDP member of the Bundestag from Mannheim, is a member of the Bundestag Committee for Climate Protection and Energy and his parliamentary group's rapporteur for the Building Energy Act (GEG), the so-called "Heating Act". He was involved in the negotiations on the GEG and is therefore familiar with this law. On Friday, he visited Thomas Kübler, founder and managing partner of KÜBLER GmbH, in Ludwigshafen. With his expertise as a specialist in large-capacity heating systems, the entrepreneur has been campaigning for months for commercial and industrial hall buildings to be given greater consideration in the GEG.
Using energy smartly and efficiently, planning and investing for the future, digitizing processes, meeting climate targets and GEG, reducing CO2 tax, meeting the requirements of the future today - and all this with maximum technology and investment security: these are the challenges of heating halls today. In new builds as well as in energy-efficient refurbishments. Discover the leading solutions. [...]
"I came to understand the technology," says Carina Konrad as Thomas Kübler begins his presentation and apologizes for the perhaps somewhat dry subject matter. There was a good reason why the deputy state chairwoman of the FDP in Rhineland-Palatinate and deputy chairwoman of the FDP parliamentary group made the trip to Ludwigshafen: "KÜBLER shows how [...]