
What contribution does KÜBLER make to the energy transition?

August 11, 2023
Fabian Ehmann visits KÜBLER hall heating systems with party colleagues
Ludwigshafen, August 2022: As energy policy spokesman for the Green Party parliamentary group in Rhineland-Palatinate, Fabian Ehmann has KÜBLER on the agenda for his summer trip. Together with his party colleagues from Ludwigshafen, Hans-Uwe Daumann (parliamentary group chairman and supervisory board member of TWL), Regina Keßler (board member) and Diethelm Messinger (treasurer), he visited the Ludwigshafen-based hall heating specialist to get an idea of the latest developments for the climate-friendly heating of industrial and commercial halls. And, of course, the heating law was also on the agenda.

"To make the heating transition a success, we need SMEs like KÜBLER, whose innovations drive the implementation of the transformation locally and offer concrete technical solutions here in Rhineland-Palatinate and beyond," says Fabian Ehmann.

A lot has happened since Fabian Ehmann visited KÜBLER almost exactly a year ago. Back then, together with Dr. Bernhard Braun (today: Spokesman for Economy, Media Policy). The concept paper "65% EE for the installation of new heating systems" was published. Together with the impending gas shortage in winter, this caused a great deal of uncertainty among industrial and commercial enterprises. Investing in new energy-efficient hall heating technology? Better to postpone it for the time being and build on what you have - even if the old systems had to be operated with coal or oil.

For KÜBLER, this meant only one thing: speeding up the latest development project that could offer a solution to the precarious situation. And above all: for an easy and affordable heat transition in the hall building sector. We are talking about a multi-energy-capable hall heating system called FUTURA. It has now won four innovation awards and was the only system at the world's leading trade fair ISH in Frankfurt to offer an integrated and affordable solution for the transformation process of the energy revolution.

The discussions between Fabian Ehmann, the Ludwigshafen city councillors, Thomas Kübler (Managing Partner) and Dr. Jens Findeisen (Head of Research & Development at KÜBLER) focused primarily on this innovation. First, however, it was important for the Ludwigshafen team to explain the basics: Why do hall buildings with ceiling heights of up to 40 meters have to be considered quite differently from a heating perspective than multi-storey buildings such as apartments or offices? And why are infrared systems the golden standard of heating technology in these giant buildings? With reference to the draft bill for the GEG amendment: What is the difference between heat pumps and infrared heating in halls?

"Heat pumps are a great thing for many buildings with room heights of around two meters and a half. For halls, there are solutions that are much more suitable, equally efficient and also far more economical"

Thomas Kübler explains, referring to infrared heating technology, for which the hidden champion has already received numerous awards. This is also where the Heating Act came into play, which the Ludwigshafen-based entrepreneur believes could be optimized in some respects to make it a forward-looking and really good law. A law that also helps the economy to implement the energy transition. Openness to technology is required. No, not as an ideological narrative of a traffic light partner, but as a fundamental requirement for every draft law in our country.

"We need economically viable solutions for the energy transition in order to preserve locations and jobs in Germany."

The multi-energy infrared heating system is one such solution and is also future-proof, as it can be powered by electricity, hydrogen or gas to cover the entire transformation path beyond 2045. An important step towards making the energy transition in Germany a success.

Everything you need to know about energy-saving hall heating systems in practice
Saving energy is a big issue - across all sectors. If you want to put an end to inefficient heating systems, our guide is just right for you!
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KÜBLER hall heating systems
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Every hall is different. With more than 30 years of company history, there is hardly a requirement that is foreign to us. Together with our customers, we have implemented the right solutions. If you are ready to implement economically proven heating concepts for your hall, then you have come to the right place.
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