
"We must remain open to technology": Creating the energy transition - Verena Hubertz MP appeals to business and politics

March 1, 2023
Speaker at expert dialog from KÜBLER Hallenheizungen
"It is important to me that we do not commit ourselves to one technology now, we must remain open to technology, we must be united in our goal," says Verena Hubertz MP. The deputy leader of the SPD parliamentary group appealed on Friday in Trier for common sense and reason in the implementation of the energy transition. "We have a very exciting example of this here in Trier, namely with the FUTURA, an excellent innovation, an excellent new product from Kübler."

With the FUTURA, KÜBLER from Ludwigshafen has developed a world first for heating industrial halls. It is an infrared heating system that can process green and fossil fuels highly efficiently - thus building a bridge to the carbon-free era. The company Die Kanter & Schlosser in Trier is the first to put this heating system into operation. Both companies are setting a good example - and thus playing their part in the energy transition.

"I was just able to experience infrared heating," says Hubertz, "it's not a sauna and it's still nice and warm. You somehow don't feel it at all. It's a really great feeling." The technology developed by KÜBLER is a particularly good alternative for heating industrial halls. "The answer 'only and everywhere' is not enough for me," says Hubertz. "It's also a question of budget - not everyone can afford a heat pump and that's why we have to be more creative than the state."

She is referring in particular to the ongoing legislative process. "We are in contact with practitioners to check which exceptions need to be created where, so that we don't hinder ourselves in achieving our goals, but so that we can also achieve our goals together." This refers to the 2045 climate target.

Hubertz raised awareness of the holistic approach. "We need to put the pedal to the metal," says the deputy leader of the SPD parliamentary group, "we need to speed up planning. The clock is ticking. We need to step it up a gear." However, it's not just processes that are needed, "but also people who get to work. We need the most modern immigration law, because skilled workers don't grow on trees. It has to become easier."

In order for the energy transition to work, the Building Energy Act is currently being amended, among other things. Hubertz is involved as a member of the building committee in the Bundestag. She says: "Business and politics must pull together. We will do everything we can to ensure that SMEs can continue to move forward with innovative ideas. The FUTURA is one such excellent innovation."

In doing so, she is striking a chord with the times. Peter Altmaier agrees. In his keynote speech, the former Federal Energy Minister said: "The energy transition needs cross-party support. We will lose if we play environmental protection and the economy off against each other. Although we have lived well in recent decades, we have blown so much CO2 into the air that irreparable damage has been done. Those who experiment now will not achieve the 2045 climate target."

Climate protection is the most important task of our time, says Altmaier, "We must not make up our minds, but set the course in such a way that we can safely achieve the climate targets. Otherwise we will sin against the young generation and cause economic costs that go far beyond that. We urgently need business models that help others - like the Kübler company does."

Words that Thomas Kübler can only agree with. "We need the multi-layered inventiveness of our German SMEs. We must not concentrate on one technology. Then the pond of innovation will dry up," says the founder and Managing Partner of KÜBLER GmbH. With FUTURA, he is creating a paradigm shift in energy efficiency. After all, only two percent of all buildings in Germany are halls. These halls consume 15 percent of the building-related energy in Germany and the associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The new system has been developed for new buildings, but the industry can also use FUTURA to renovate existing buildings without interrupting operations.

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