
"The plan was to save 35 % of energy, but we have achieved over 70 %."

July 18, 2024
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Autoterminal Neuss is one of the largest car handling centers in Germany and offers a comprehensive range of services from appraisals to painting and conversions. The company offers modern logistics solutions on an area of around 24 soccer pitches and with 11,900 storage spaces. As a partner of BLG Logistics and DB Cargo, ATN has a strong international network. Around 100 employees take care of the preparation and worldwide transportation of vehicles.

The renovation project

Since 1994, the halls at the main site in Neuss have been heated with a central hot air system using a gas-powered hot water boiler system, which resulted in high energy costs. In order to achieve the company's own ambitious climate targets and increase efficiency, it was decided in 2021 to convert to a modern, decentralized heating system. In collaboration with the engineering firm Enviconsult, a heat demand analysis was carried out and a concept was developed to switch off the old boilers and introduce modern infrared heating.

Requirements and implementation

ATN has been using decentralized infrared heaters from KÜBLER in one branch since 2017. Due to the different areas of use in the halls, the decision was also made in 2021 for a system that can specifically control individual heating zones. Convenient control and high energy efficiency were also important. After reviewing various offers, KÜBLER was again chosen because its system and the CELESTRA digital control system were convincing.

Technical solution

Due to the low ceiling heights, PRIMA infrared systems were installed in the halls and PRIMA plus. These systems offer high infrared efficiency and a good price-performance ratio. The system is controlled by CELESTRA, which automatically optimizes heating operation in the heating zones. The WinTec extension module enables remote control and TorOff reduces energy losses when the hall doors are open. The EMMA energy management system ensures real-time transparency and provides relevant data for reporting, e.g. in accordance with DIN EN 50001.


Since commissioning in September 2022, expectations have been exceeded. Conservative energy savings of 35% were planned, but over 70% have been achieved. Energy consumption fell from 1,996 MWh in 2021 to 565 MWh in 2023, which means a saving of 1,431 MWh per year. In addition, 97 MWh of electricity and 344 tons of CO2 saved. Lutz Obladen, Head of Facility Management at ATN: "The switch to decentralized infrared heating technology is a milestone in achieving our climate targets!"

Experience and conclusion

The old heating system caused high costs and environmental pollution. The new infrared heating system from KÜBLER enables targeted control of the heating areas and significantly reduces energy consumption. The cooperation with KÜBLER was successful, the installation went smoothly and during operation. The employees are satisfied and the system works perfectly. Obladen emphasizes: "The bottom line is that I would do everything exactly the same again."

Everything you need to know about energy-saving hall heating systems in practice
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KÜBLER hall heating systems
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Every hall is different. With more than 30 years of company history, there is hardly a requirement that is foreign to us. Together with our customers, we have implemented the right solutions. If you are ready to implement economically proven heating concepts for your hall, then you have come to the right place.
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