
KÜBLER main sponsor at the Parliamentary Evening - Robert Habeck as guest

September 27, 2023
Dr. Robert Habeck together with Thomas Kübler at the DENEFF Parliamentary Evening in Berlin
Energy efficiency is a key pillar of the energy transition - and a topic that all three are committed to: Thomas Kübler, specialist for energy-saving hall heating systems, Dr. Robert Habeck, head of the BMWK, and the German Business Initiative for Energy Efficiency (DENEFF).

The latter hosted a parliamentary evening on September 26.

Keynote speaker: Dr. Robert Habeck, main sponsor: KÜBLER GmbH Energie-sparende Hallenheizungen.

An exciting speech, a great exchange platform and good discussions with the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection: BMWK.

The event served as an excellent platform for the exchange of ideas and opinions between the various players in the field of energy efficiency. The participants had the opportunity to hold constructive discussions in an engaging setting and to think together about innovative solutions and strategies.

All in all, the Parliamentary Evening was a complete success, which not only impressed with the quality of the speeches and discussions, but also with the opportunity to deepen existing contacts and initiate new partnerships.

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KÜBLER hall heating systems
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