
High energy efficiency: KÜBLER receives the Rhineland-Palatinate Innovation Award 2018 for the digital hall heating system

February 1, 2018
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For the 30th time, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture, together with the working groups of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce and the Chamber of Crafts, is awarding the coveted prize to particularly innovative companies with the hall heating specialist KÜBLER for its digitalized heating solution WÄRME 4.0.

With WÄRME 4.0, KÜBLER combines the possibilities of digitalization with its energy-saving heating systems. The concept networks the energy flows in a hall and thus utilizes previously unused efficiency potential (e.g. waste heat from compressors) - with up to 20 percent more energy savings. The basis for this is a completely new control system that records, analyzes and documents data flows. It enables access to important parameters at any time. This pioneering concept offers users full transparency and thus the prerequisites for effective energy management, cost savings and certification in accordance with DIN EN 50001.

For Minister of Economic Affairs Dr. Volker Wissing and the jury of experts, KÜBLER's digital hall heating system is a pioneering development that is characterized not only by its degree of innovation but also by its marketability and overall entrepreneurial performance. In a festive setting in front of guests from science, business, politics and journalism, the internationally active company from Ludwigshafen was awarded the Rhineland-Palatinate Innovation Prize 2018 in the "Crafts" category at the Koblenz Chamber of Industry and Commerce. This is the third time that the innovative company has received the coveted award, having already received it in 2008 and 2012.

For around 30 years, KÜBLER has been shaping the progress of modern large-capacity heating with its development work. Many of the developments that mark the state of the art today originated in the hall heating specialist's R&D department. "The company's high level of innovation is part of KÜBLER's sustainability strategy," says Thomas Kübler, Managing Partner of the group of companies. "WÄRME 4.0 is a pioneering step towards an energy-efficient heating technology future."

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