
Gas can be green. How climate protection targets can be achieved and made affordable.

September 2, 2019
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Gas is decentralized, flexible, can be stored efficiently and is inexpensive. The energy source is a guarantee for the success of the energy transition. And for the reduction of CO2 - Ten associations of the gas industry have joined forces and formulated an appeal for the climate protection plan, explaining why gas as an energy source is already a cost-effective way to reduce CO2 savings can be realized.

The high savings potential offered by highly innovative technologies such as KÜBLER's infrared heaters in particular suggest that the potential of gas as an energy source should be exploited to a much greater extent in future. Only by including this green energy source can the 2050 climate protection targets be achieved affordably and efficiently. What would happen otherwise? The heating transition that everyone wants would be made more difficult, CO2 savings unnecessarily more expensive and gives away a key infrastructure for the energy transition.

The bottom line:

In the heating sector in particular, considerable CO2 realize savings. And this is particularly cost-efficient. This is because natural gas is significantly lower in emissions than coal and oil. Biomethane further enhances this advantage. And synthetic green gases can be produced from renewable energy sources using modern power-to-gas technologies and used in all sectors. In the energy system of the future, gases can be 100 percent renewable or greenhouse-neutral.


1) Appeal from the gas industry on the climate protection plan

2) GAEEH - preliminary final report, ITG Dresden

3) DVGW "Energy Impulse

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