"As Minister President, it makes me proud that we have hidden champions like KÜBLER in our federal state."
"Rhineland-Palatinate is a state of innovation and future technologies - and KÜBLER GmbH in Ludwigshafen is an impressive example of this, as demonstrated not least by the four innovation awards from the state of Rhineland-Palatinate that the company has received to date. As Minister President, it makes me proud that we have hidden champions like KÜBLER in our state. They show that Rhineland-Palatinate is home to strong, imaginative companies and is an attractive location with a future," said the Minister President.
However, Thomas Kübler, founder and managing partner of KÜBLER GmbH, is convinced that something urgently needs to happen to keep it that way. The entrepreneur is concerned with the Building Energy Act (GEG), also known as the Heating Act, and the urgently needed amendments to it. Thomas Kübler:
"It is unacceptable for 15 years of innovation in Germany to be slowed down because the amendment to the law refers to an outdated standard."
Due to their great heights and room dimensions, hall buildings have completely different heating requirements to offices or living spaces, for example. Technologies are available specifically for this category of building that are not only particularly energy-efficient, saving up to 70 % of the previous consumption, but can also be operated flexibly with renewable energies. They are also able to handle flexibility - a feature that is urgently needed if the energy transition in Germany is to be shouldered. Renewable energies such as PV power or wind power are inherently volatile, which means that they are not always reliably available. The innovative KÜBLER systems can compensate for this and thus ensure the operational reliability that commercial and industrial companies depend on. After all, the superiority of KÜBLER systems has not only been confirmed in over 20,000 realized projects, but also by experts.
During a visit to the innovation leader's research and development laboratory in Ludwigshafen, the Minister President was able to experience how the infrared systems work. Alexander Schweitzer: "It was very impressive for me to experience this functionality live. It reinforced my impression of the advantages of this technology in indoor buildings."
The Minister President looks with pride at the large number of innovators such as KÜBLER in Rhineland-Palatinate. It must be worthwhile to innovate, to offer jobs and to be successful in our markets with new products and services, he says and continues: "Creating the right framework conditions for an investment and innovation-friendly environment is not only the task of the European and federal level, but also of state politics. However, this is only possible if we are aware of each other's needs and problems. And this requires a personal exchange with entrepreneurs in the state, which I greatly value and cultivate."
At the end of the meeting, the Minister-President sends a signal to commercial enterprises in Rhineland-Palatinate and reaffirms his position: "The state government is fully committed to creating optimal framework conditions for industry and SMEs - especially in times of great transformation, which are characterized by challenges such as climate change, digitalization and a shortage of skilled workers. Companies like KÜBLER GmbH that drive energy efficiency and energy saving through technical innovations are an important building block on our path to achieving climate neutrality in Rhineland-Palatinate by 2040."
Stadtwerke Frankenthal relies on high-efficiency technology and a healthy indoor climate.
How to save 3.7 million kWh - almost 70 percent! - energy can be saved? This is demonstrated by the joint project of hall heating specialist KÜBLER and Höganäs Germany GmbH (formerly H.C. Starck) at the Laufenburg site near the Swiss border. For dena, this is a flagship project that the German Energy Agency is publishing on its new website as an example of good practice.
At the BVMUV's Future Day for SMEs on March 13, KÜBLER, the specialist for climate-friendly hall heating systems, presents the first results of the joint AI pilot project as part of the Green-AI Hub Mittelstand to Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke.
The new one pays off. Renting the new hall heating saves Dexion energy and €45,000 in heating costs.Outdated heating technology in hall buildings is expensive and energy-intensive. However, modernization is complex and associated with investment costs. Dexion has found a new and convenient solution to the problem of modernization. The world's leading specialist for warehouse logistics solutions relies on the latest service product from KÜBLER - HeizWerk. And is now benefiting from the advantages of modern infrared heating technology. These include: high energy efficiency, reliable heat supply, a clean, draught-free working environment and reduced heating costs. Without any investment on your part.