KÜBLER plants 1,000 trees for climate protection
The idea was born within the team: doing good together at the Christmas party. As sustainability is a top priority at KÜBLER anyway, the goal was quickly clear: planting trees for climate protection. A raffle was organized for this purpose, into which every employee had paid, twice over. Firstly, many of the raffle winnings were donated. Secondly, raffle tickets were purchased. The campaign was so well received that all the raffle tickets were sold within a very short time.
"I really enjoyed the raffle. Donations are always a great thing, but such a successful campaign makes it even easier to get active," says Sina Koppenhöfer, media clerk trainee at KÜBLER GmbH.
Another kicker was that the company had promised to double the amount and thus the number of trees. 1,000 trees are now being planted on behalf of KÜBLER and its employees. The organization Plant for the Planet, which benefited from the donation, organizes tree planting projects all over the world.
"It is important to us to set a good example in the area of climate protection," says Thomas Kübler, founder and Managing Director of KÜBLER GmbH. The topic has been on the agenda for the Ludwigshafen-based hall heating specialist not just since Greta Thunberg. In fact, KÜBLER's infrared systems have been making a major contribution to environmental protection for over 30 years. The energy-efficient dark radiators save up to 70 % CO2 and energy. The company regularly receives awards for this - including the German Sustainability Award. "We want to prove that climate protection doesn't have to be hard and arduous, it can actually be fun."
At a glance: The KÜBLER Group
KÜBLER GmbH is an internationally active group of companies and is regarded as a pioneer and innovation leader in modern infrared heating technology. The core business is the development and production of highly efficient premium technologies for energy-saving and climate-friendly hall heating. KÜBLER offers an exceptionally wide range of products for almost all types of halls and room environments.
Founded in 1989, the group of companies employs over 120 people and is one of the leading companies in the industry in Europe with locations in Ludwigshafen, Dresden, Hagen, Hamburg, Prague (Czech Republic) and Fegyvernek (Hungary) as well as numerous foreign agencies and a nationwide service network.
KÜBLER products and development services regularly receive awards. The national and international awards include the Federal Prize for Outstanding Innovative Achievements from the Federal Ministry of Economics, the Bavarian State Prize and the German Sustainability Award. KÜBLER received this highest German award for sustainable entrepreneurship for the special energy efficiency of the H.Y.B.R.I.D system in the category "Germany's most sustainable product". In 2018, KÜBLER was honored for the third time with the Innovation Award of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, awarded for the innovative WÄRME 4.0 digital hall heating system.
"Securing the future together" is the motto of the 2024 "SME Grand Prix" competition. It couldn't be more fitting, as this is exactly what SMEs are all about: Securing the future - across generations. This is demonstrated by the 451 companies that reached the jury stage for the various award categories this year: SME Grand Prix, Finalist, Badge of Honor [...]
The multi-energy IR hall heating system with integrated lighting function has already won its fourth design award in prestigious competitions for innovation and its valuable contribution to the energy transition.
Green members of the state parliament Dr. Bernhard Braun and Fabian Ehmann at KÜBLER in LudwigshafenLudwigshafen, August 2022 - An important visit to KÜBLER in Ludwigshafen: Dr. Bernhard Braun (Chairman of the Bündnis90/Grünen parliamentary group), Fabian Ehmann (Spokesman for Economy & Start-ups, Europe & One World, Youth and Forest Policy) and Hanna Thiele (personal assistant) met with the Ludwigshafen-based hall heating specialist and hidden champion in the Palatinate. They discussed the currently highly topical issues of the energy transition, energy efficiency, legislation and the questions: "What distinguishes halls from residential buildings, offices or daycare centers? And why do they need special technologies for efficient and low-CO2 heating?"
The new one pays off. Renting the new hall heating saves Dexion energy and €45,000 in heating costs.Outdated heating technology in hall buildings is expensive and energy-intensive. However, modernization is complex and associated with investment costs. Dexion has found a new and convenient solution to the problem of modernization. The world's leading specialist for warehouse logistics solutions relies on the latest service product from KÜBLER - HeizWerk. And is now benefiting from the advantages of modern infrared heating technology. These include: high energy efficiency, reliable heat supply, a clean, draught-free working environment and reduced heating costs. Without any investment on your part.