Süddeutscher Wirtschaftstag: Innovations for the energy transition.
South German Business Day: Discussion on innovations for the energy transition and strengthening Germany as a business location
An inspiring day at the South German Business Day! In the "Energy" panel, Thomas Kübler (Managing Partner, Kübler GmbH) sat together with Dr. Franziska Brantner MdB (Parliamentary State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection), Andreas Jung MdB (Deputy Chairman of the CDU of Germany, spokesman for climate and energy policy of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group), Dr. Werner Götz Chairman of the CDU Germany, climate and energy policy spokesman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group), Dr. Werner Götz Managing Director (Transnet BW GmbH) and Dr. Béla Waldhauser (CEO, Telehouse Deutschland GmbH) on the podium and made a much-noticed statement on the topic of "The future of hydrogen in Germany and Europe".
The panel was moderated by Horst Graef (Managing Director, Energie Calw GmbH). The "Debureaucratization" and "Artificial Intelligence in SMEs" panels also featured top-class speakers, including Nina Warken MdB (Parliamentary Secretary and General Secretary of the CDU Baden-Württemberg), Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus (Minister for Digitalization and Innovation of the State of Hesse) and Prof. Dr. Oliver Thomas (Scientific Director, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, founder and shareholder, Strategion GmbH).
Following the presentation by Christian Baldauf MdL, Dr. Rainer Dulger, President, Confederation of German Employers' Associations Dirk Güsewell, COO System Critical Infrastructure, EnBW AG Andreas Jung MdB, Deputy Chairman of the CDU of Germany, Spokesman on Climate and Energy Policy, CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group Eckart von Klaeden, Vice President External Affairs, Mercedes-Benz Group; former Minister of State Günther H. Oettinger, Deputy Chairman of the CDU of Germany; and Eckart von Klaeden, Vice President External Affairs, Mercedes-Benz Group. Eckart von Klaeden, Vice President External Affairs, Mercedes-Benz Group; former Minister of State Günther H. Oettinger, former member and Vice President of the European Commission; former Minister President of the State of Baden-Württemberg Christoph Werner, Managing Director, dm-drogerie markt GmbH & Co. KG on the topic of "Politics and business in dialog", moderated by Corinna T. Egerer.
All in all, a very successful event on central issues of the social market economy of the regional associations of the Economic Council of the CDU.
With 500 participants, an important step into the future!
#sdwt2024 #energy transition #Innovation #Business location #Future #ThomasKübler #FranziskaBrantner #JoachimRudolf #JoachimvonSchorlemer #ThomasWolff #DavidZimmer