Huge savings potential when renovating old steam heating systems

Steam heating compared to an energy-saving hall heating system from KÜBLER

Old steam heating systems are among the most inefficient and cost-intensive systems in hall buildings. Renovated with the right technologies, enormous potential savings can be made here for the benefit of the company and the environment: Energy consumption and energy costs have been reduced by over 70 % with the energy-efficient infrared systems from KÜBLER! One example: the renovation of the old steam heating system at Höganäs Germany GmbH (formerly H.C. Starck) at the Laufenburg site near the Swiss border - a dena lighthouse project: Laufenburg Kübler - Energy Efficiency Award Laufenburg Kübler - Energy Efficiency Award.

These systems not only significantly optimize the CO2 and company balance, they also offer a number of other advantages in practice:

- Heat on demand: fast and flexible adaptation to dynamic hall operation
- Individual heating of individual heating zones
- Pleasant, healthy working environment without dust turbulence
- Optimization of key sustainability figures - improvement of the ESG rating
- GEG compliant
- Flexible off-balance sheet rental options: no investment costs - no depreciation

Our experienced team will guide you through the entire restructuring process, from planning to implementation, to ensure that you achieve the best results for your company.

#Potential savings #Refurbishment #Steam heating #Energy efficiency #Infrared systems #Kübler #Energy costs #CO2balance sheet


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KÜBLER hall heating systems
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Every hall is different. With more than 30 years of company history, there is hardly a requirement that is foreign to us. Together with our customers, we have implemented the right solutions. If you are ready to implement economically proven heating concepts for your hall, then you have come to the right place.
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