Comparison of infrastructure with infrared and air heating

Heating with infrared radiant heaters: You should know these facts!

A new heating system for your company, whether for production or storage, requires a careful decision.

Infrared dark radiant heaters could be the right choice as they offer several advantages. Compared to bright radiators, dark radiators lead the combustion exhaust gases outside and do not pollute the hall atmosphere.

They specifically heat objects and bodies instead of the ambient air. This saves an enormous amount of energy when heating because no unused warm air pockets form under the hall ceiling. This saves an enormous amount of energy. In addition, there are no draughts or dust turbulence, which creates a healthy working environment. These are the major differences between modern infrared radiant heaters and conventional warm air blowers.

Infrared dark radiators consume up to 70 % less energy than conventional systems. They offer low investment costs and low overall operating costs. A study by the Technical University of Kaiserslautern also shows that the investment costs for infrared dark radiators are also lower compared to other systems.

Infrared dark radiators are an efficient, environmentally friendly and economical solution for heating industrial and commercial buildings. Ideal for decarbonizing commercial and industrial buildings.

#Infrared dark radiators #Energy efficient #Heating #Industrial heating #Commercial heating #Environmentally friendly #Energy saving #Decarbonization #Sustainable heating #Economy #Healthy working environment #TStudy #Infrared heating #PProduction #Storage

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KÜBLER hall heating systems
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