Geschäftsführer spricht über Energiepolitik in Lagerhalle.

We are the economy! - What politics can learn from KÜBLER.

We are the economy! - What politicians can learn from KÜBLER and many other companies in HANDELSBLATT 12.07.2024

Irrespective of politics, Germany has a lot of substance that we must learn to use again in an entrepreneurial way in order to fight our way back to the top of the world economy.

The companies that have spoken out in the Handelsblatt publication "Deutsche Wirtschaft: Unternehmen der Zukunft!" agree on this. An exciting read - take a look.

By the way: publisher Bettzig Media GmbH also publishes the publication via:

Issuu / E-Paper (freely accessible): 

#WeAreTheEconomy #PoliticsLearning #GermanEconomy #CompanyFuture #WorldLeader #Entrepreneurial #Handelsblatt #BettzigMedia #Issuu #EPaper

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