KÜBLER hall heating systems


Know-how for hall planning
KÜBLER hall heating systems

Creating creative freedom

When planning your projects, rely on intelligent, flexibly adaptable solutions right from the start. With hall heating systems from KÜBLER, you create scope for architectural innovation and open up possibilities for other useful construction measures.
Logistikhalle AZO Kundenreferenz für KÜBLER Hallenheizungen mit OPTIMA plus Systemen
KÜBLER hall heating systems

Let us give you a few concrete advantages:

  • Wide range of types and customized solutions for maximum flexibility and planning freedom for a wide variety of hall types
  • Attractive device design with free color design
  • Proven and multi-award-winning efficiency technologies, GEG-compliant
  • Intelligent system control and BMS connection
  • Reliable advice from your KÜBLER partner in all project phases
  • Logistikhalle AZO Kundenreferenz für KÜBLER Hallenheizungen mit OPTIMA plus Systemen
  • Industriehalle mit Metallkonstruktion und FensternAGroße Logistikhalle mit weißen OPTIMA plus Hallenheizungssystem von KÜBLER
  • Historische Ausstellungshalle mit farblich passenden OPTIMA plus KÜBLER Hallenheizungen
Rotes Paragraphenzeichen, das für das Gebäudeenergiegesetz GEG steht

How our efficiency systems comply with the Building Energy Act

The requirements of the GEG (formerly EnEV/ EnEGG/ EEWärmeG) - a seemingly impenetrable chaos of specifications for hall planning. But only seemingly. Download our plain language guide to the heating requirements and find out what you need to bear in mind for your next project. Simple and to the point.
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KÜBLER hall heating systems
Let's take the next step together
Every hall is different. With more than 30 years of company history, there is hardly a requirement that is foreign to us. Together with our customers, we have implemented the right solutions. If you are ready to implement economically proven heating concepts for your hall, then you have come to the right place.
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