Optimize switch-on times and save money

Cold working conditions can sometimes depress the mood of the workforce and thus have a negative impact on productivity: When production is running hot in the run-up to Christmas, nobody has time for heating control. The main thing is that it's nice and warm in the hall. Once set, the Heating the specified operating times. But is it really necessary to run the same heating time at 14 °C outside temperature as at -5 °C? No matter what it costs?
We at KÜBLER say: No. In this guide, you can find out how to set your heating correctly to create a comfortable indoor climate at your workplace even when the outside temperature is particularly low and save money at the same time.
Set heating systems correctly with the right control technology
How do you optimize your heating behavior during operation so that you heat as efficiently as possible and save money at the same time? This question is not only asked by industrial companies - sports halls, event and exhibition halls also face the same problem. Intelligent energy-saving modules for control technology can help. These software tools are capable of permanently analysing climatic outdoor conditions and optimizing the heating time and operating time of the heating system accordingly. Tailored to the current weather conditions and outside temperatures. Intelligent energy-saving modules therefore not only manage to analyze the optimum temperature for your production halls - they also save you from having to set your heating system correctly every time the weather changes.
Set your heating correctly with KÜBLER and reduce heating costs
Optimally adjusting your heating system can be very tedious. In addition, you certainly don't have the time to adjust the settings of your heating system every time the weather changes. Over the heating period, it is therefore worth automatically optimizing heating operation with intelligent tools that constantly analyse the outside temperature and then determine the ideal heating duration and temperature for your production hall. The relatively low purchase price for the energy-saving modules is also offset by a significant reduction in costs: Up to 5 % of your energy consumption can be saved in a cost-effective way. Out of 100 companies that currently have modern heating control systems, 99 also use smart energy-saving tools. So with software tools that set your heating correctly, you benefit in many different ways.
Would you like to find out more about these energy-saving modules? No problem. - Visit us at one of our locations and let our colleagues advise you. Alternatively, you can of course also contact onlineWe will prepare an individual offer for you and send it to you. We are already looking forward to helping you.
Like all sectors, industry must also do its part to protect the climate and combat global warming. An important point here is investing in energy-efficient, environmentally friendly heating systems. Read this article to find out the specific reasons for doing so.
What is probably the most effective lever against the gas crisis, price pressure and dependence on Russia at the moment? The answer: consuming less energy. The German government is of this opinion and is calling for energy savings in a large-scale campaign - supported by industry and associations. This goal can be achieved. When it comes to the large halls of industrial and commercial enterprises, it is even easier and quicker than expected.
Turnverein 1860 Mußbach e.V. is a traditional sports club with a long history. Since it was founded in 1860, it has got a large number of people of all ages and backgrounds moving and now has over 1,200 members. The club offers a wide range of sporting activities. Dieter Hackebeil, former chairman of the club and now (un)retired, was the main person responsible for the renewal of the heating system at the time and can "only praise KÜBLER to the skies." Satisfaction and conviction are the key words here.
The topic of Industry 4.0 is no longer a dream of the future. The digitalization of industrial processes is being talked about everywhere - and a new era has also dawned in the heating supply sector. Find out in this article what intelligent networking looks like for heating building complexes and what opportunities it opens up for you!