Heating in corona times

This is a question that concerns industry and local authorities. But operators of exhibition, event and sports halls also need answers. A tried and tested and very simple principle plays an important role here: infrared. This heat radiation is evenly distributed to the areas of the room used via ceiling heating systems without generating air movement. And they can be connected to an external fresh air supply system if regular ventilation is not possible.
Incidentally, these infrared heaters also reduce energy costs and lower CO2-emissions. Often to half of the previous values. At a large textile machinery company in Mönchengladbach, for example, this was over 65 percent. In buildings with large volumes of space, such as halls, this also has a knock-on effect in terms of CO2-The price is favorable.
Would you like to find out more about these heating solutions? No problem! You can reach the hall heating specialists at KÜBLER under Contact.
By the way: we will reveal the next hot tip on the subject of ENERGY EFFICIENCY & HALL BUILDINGS in a week's time.
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