KÜBLER hall heating


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  • Develop commercial and logistics properties and heat them economically

    Fair.AIdH - ideal heating systems for special buildings Halls have different heating requirements than office or other multi-storey buildings. As a rule, "normal" hot water heating systems inevitably fail due to the enormous room heights and dimensions: they consume an unreasonable amount of energy, offer little flexibility and thermal comfort, can hardly be controlled variably, heat hall ceilings instead of work areas, are often simply uneconomical and [...]
  • No energy transition without an economic policy transition

    According to the IMD Competiveness Ranking 2024[1], our once leading industrial nation has slipped from 6th to 24th place in just ten years. 45 percent of industrial companies with high electricity costs are planning or implementing plans to reduce their production or relocate it abroad. And the trend is rising[2]. Increasing bureaucratic costs and the extremely high level of energy prices in our country are causing many companies to [...]
  • Don't worry about the heating law for indoor heating systems!

    The decision on the Heating Act (Building Energy Act - GEG) has been made, but the questions remain. But there is no need to worry: the legislator has provided for generous transition periods, technological openness and pragmatic, affordable regulations for the gradual move towards climate-neutral heating by 2045. Dr. Jens Findeisen explains what you need to know now when heating commercial and industrial buildings
  • The economy speaks ESG and heats multi-energy flexibly.

    ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance and refers to the three key areas of sustainable corporate management: environment, social affairs and corporate governance. But what does this have to do with you and the way you heat your production halls and warehouses?
  • Energy guzzler hall heating - 9 savings tips from the expert

    The energy crisis is currently leaving no one indifferent. Everyone is desperately looking for ways to get consumption and costs under control to some extent. The German government's price brake will not take effect until March 2023, and even then, the prices for 30 percent above the basic quota for industry and 20 percent for small and medium-sized enterprises will still be subject to the wild market conditions next year. So what to do?
  • How to regulate your hall heating during the Christmas break - and how to cleverly counter rising energy prices

    Christmas is once again approaching surprisingly quickly - and, unfortunately, one or two challenges are on the horizon. From 3G and 2G plus to the next increases in energy prices. Congratulations if you have already converted your hall heating to an economical system from KÜBLER. This is a really good decision in many respects.
  • Revolutionary heat: KÜBLER hall heating systems set a new standard at the Mußbach gymnastics club

    Turnverein 1860 Mußbach e.V. is a traditional sports club with a long history. Since it was founded in 1860, it has got a large number of people of all ages and backgrounds moving and now has over 1,200 members. The club offers a wide range of sporting activities. Dieter Hackebeil, former chairman of the club and now (un)retired, was the main person responsible for the renewal of the heating system at the time and can "only praise KÜBLER to the skies." Satisfaction and conviction are the key words here.
  • Plan your heating maintenance now and start the winter safely

    Nobody thinks about the hall heating when the sun is blazing, the asphalt is glowing and everyone is grateful for the slightest cooling. Or do they? Because anyone who looks ahead knows that summertime is maintenance time. So if you want to start the winter safely with your production halls or warehouses, it's good to be prepared. After all, the next heating period is often around the corner sooner than you think, which raises the question: is your hall heating system fit for the next season?
  • Rent infrared hall heating. 4 reasons why this is important for companies right now.

    The search for suitable optimization potential in energy-related processes in industrial and commercial companies is not always easy for energy management. Especially as measures in efficiency technologies and renewable energies cost money and the budget is often lacking. Many - ecologically and economically important - measures then fall by the wayside. But does that have to be the case? 
  • Heating halls in compliance with GEG from 2024 - but how?

    How will Germany heat from 2024 according to Federal Minister Habeck? First things first: the final answer is not yet available. This is because the draft for a new Building Energy Act (GEG) has only just made it through the cabinet. The next step will be to ask the Bundestag and Bundesrat. Nevertheless, the announced "end" for gas and oil heating systems has been making waves for months. And caused so much uncertainty that last winter, instead of investing in the energy-efficient refurbishment of their hall heating systems, industry often preferred to reactivate old oil and coal heating systems...
  • FUTURA in Trier: First multi-energy infrared system for climate-neutral heating of halls in operation

    The metalworking company "Die Kanter & und Schlosser" heats its new building variably with electricity, hydrogen or gas thanks to the world innovation from KÜBLER in Ludwigshafen.
  • New gas heating quickly in 2023 - often the cheapest decision that also pays off for the environment

    The BMWK is currently causing a stir with a draft bill. This is because it involves a categorical ban on gas heating systems. According to the plan, from 2024, only heating systems powered by 65 % renewable energies may be used. Formally, this can only be heat pumps, district heating or biomass heating. This raises the question: what about the openness of technology in Germany? And who should pay for it? Decentralized gas-powered heating systems are often the only economically and functionally viable solutions, especially in hall buildings.
  • Heating halls with 65 percent renewable energy - but the right way

    Back in July 2022, the BMWK published its concept paper on the amendment to the Building Energy Act (GEG), thereby not only causing hopeless uncertainty, but also preventing investment in necessary energy-efficient renovations. First things first: the amendment has not yet been passed - and it is questionable whether it will actually be passed 1:1. Because if you trust Struck's law, a law does not usually leave parliament in the form in which it was introduced.
  • How to save a lot of energy with the right hall heating system

    The price of fossil fuels is rising. Also due to the increased CO2-tax. It is becoming increasingly important for hall operators to generate heat in an energy-efficient manner. Find out how the right hall heating system can help you to absorb rising costs.
  • Amendment to the Building Energy Act: FDP announces switch from energy efficiency to emission efficiency

    It is only a small segment, but of great importance: in the current discussion about the energy transition, industrial buildings are being neglected. They only make up two percent of the building stock in Germany. However, they are responsible for around 15 percent of building-related energy consumption and the associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In the current Building Energy Act (GEG), however, industrial buildings are treated in the same way as daycare centers - and there are indications in a draft bill that the federal government wants to focus exclusively on heat pumps as a technology. KÜBLER GmbH in Ludwigshafen invited experts to discuss this issue. Daniel Föst, construction policy spokesman for the FDP parliamentary group in the Bundestag, announced his intention to change the legislative system.
  • Energy turnaround: World innovation honored in Mainz

    While Germany is discussing the energy transition, KÜBLER GmbH from Ludwigshafen has already delivered. FUTURA is the name of the latest invention from the experts for hall heating systems - and it works regardless of the energy source: the infrared heating system for halls uses hydrogen, electricity, gas or a mix of these. It can process green and fossil fuels highly efficiently, thus building a bridge to the carbon-free era. This is one of the reasons why the Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture awarded KÜBLER the special prize "Innovative Technologies for Climate Protection" at the SUCCESS Innovation Award on Tuesday evening.
  • Amendment to the Building Energy Act: Saving energy is only possible by differentiating between buildings - industrial buildings are not daycare centers

    How is energy used correctly? What does efficiency mean? In the German government's current energy policy, there is a huge gap between aspiration and reality. After all, industrial buildings are not treated as industrial buildings because they only account for two percent of buildings - even though they are responsible for 15 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. The latter has not played a role to date. Behind this two percent are 420,000 to 480,000 hall buildings that are used in industry, commerce and municipalities as production halls, logistics halls, workshops, sports halls or sales outlets. A small number that is responsible for a significant proportion of energy consumption and GHG emissions in Germany.
  • So that Germany doesn't run out of gas: switch to energy-saving industrial heating now

    What is probably the most effective lever against the gas crisis, price pressure and dependence on Russia at the moment? The answer: consuming less energy. The German government is of this opinion and is calling for energy savings in a large-scale campaign - supported by industry and associations. This goal can be achieved. When it comes to the large halls of industrial and commercial enterprises, it is even easier and quicker than expected.
  • Industrial heating systems - how safe is the gas supply?

    The horrendous rise in energy prices, the fear of Putin stopping supplies, the demand for renewable energies to combat climate change - all of this is currently causing a great deal of uncertainty. Is it still worth investing in gas-powered industrial heating systems? The answer to this question is important. Because it determines how quickly trade and industry will make their contribution to the energy transition. And how well it will be possible to meet the future requirement of climate protection in an economically viable way.
  • Research seal "Innovative through research" for KÜBLER

    The "Innovative through research" seal is awarded to research-based companies that are committed to a strong innovation location in Germany with their development work. KÜBLER is once again one of these companies and has been awarded the prestigious seal.
  • Condensing boiler technology makes high savings potential available in companies

    "No energy transition without energy efficiency" is the title of dena's "Topics and projects" section on its homepage "The best kilowatt hour is the one saved," says Thomas Kübler, Managing Partner of KÜBLER GmbH. Both mean the same thing: It's about curbing energy consumption in general and especially in companies. Because this is an enormous lever for achieving climate targets. And that's not all: energy efficiency also pays off economically if it is approached in the right technological way. Modern infrared heating technology plays an important role here, especially when it is intelligently combined with Bennwert technology.
  • KÜBLER nominated for the German Innovation Award for Climate and Environment 2022

    The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection has been honoring the commitment of industry and research to climate and environmental protection for many years with the IKU - the German Innovation Award for Climate and the Environment. The 21 nominees include many big names as well as a medium-sized company: KÜBLER GmbH from Ludwigshafen. It specializes in the development of energy-saving hall heating systems and entered the competition with HeizWerk, a smart solution package for industry. Behind this is nothing less than a clever concept for energy-efficient refurbishment in production, storage and other hall buildings without the need for capital expenditure.
  • Workshop heating - what you should look out for when choosing

    Whether in metalworking shops, joineries, welding shops, car dealerships or railroad companies - workshop heating systems ensure warm working conditions in the workshops when it gets cold outside. But what requirements - apart from heat generation, of course - can you place on a modern heating system today? And what do you need to pay attention to if you want your investment to continue to pay off in many years' time?
  • Hall heaters - solutions for event halls and exhibition rooms

    Whether concert fans, art lovers or party enthusiasts: the room temperature also determines the success of events. How hosts ensure a comfortable climate in event halls and exhibition rooms with hall heaters.
  • Rent hall heating? How to solve the budget problem and save money!

    Outdated hall heating systems lead to horrendous heating costs and pollute the environment. Despite this, many operators shy away from investing in modernization. One possible solution: rented hall heating systems - heat-as-a-service!
  • How to find the ideal hall heating

    Do you want to get the most out of your new hall heating system, save energy costs and be prepared for the environmental laws of the future? Then it is advisable to consider a few tips before you buy. Find out which ones in this article.
  • Heating for halls: Challenges and solutions

    Room volume, employee requirements, climate protection targets, heating costs and, and, and: When choosing the right heating system for your halls, you need to consider a whole range of factors. Read this article to find out what these are in detail and how you can master these challenges with a modern system.
  • Heating maintenance in summer: 5 reasons why you should definitely tackle your heating system

    Operators of indoor heating systems are also responsible for having their system serviced regularly. In addition to operational safety, there are other good reasons why maintenance should not be put on the back burner!
  • 4 good reasons to invest in an energy-saving and environmentally friendly hall heating system

    Like all sectors, industry must also do its part to protect the climate and combat global warming. An important point here is investing in energy-efficient, environmentally friendly heating systems. Read this article to find out the specific reasons for doing so.
  • Heating halls: 6 heating systems at a glance

    Hot air, panel heating or infrared? There are many different heating systems to choose from for heating halls. This article will give you an initial overview of the six most relevant systems.
  • Infrared hall heating in your production: How to create the right indoor climate for your production

    Indoor buildings are a world of their own. Especially in winter. The high rooms pose a real challenge for anyone who wants to ensure the most pleasant working climate possible. But there are solutions - infrared hall heating, for example.
  • Heat 4.0

    The energy issue has rarely been more explosive. Laws, standards and regulations pose challenges for almost all companies. Solutions are being sought with the aim of tapping into potential savings.
  • Heating in corona times

    Whether in production halls or warehouses, many heating systems currently have a problem: they distribute viruses particularly well in the room. This is counterproductive for many hygiene concepts. But does this mean that heating systems have to stay cold this winter?
  • Focus on "open hall doors"

    "Heating with the windows open" in private households is like "heating with the doors open" in production halls and warehouses. It's great if you can afford this in industry and commerce because production and business are obviously running - unfortunately, this is not a matter of course for many companies in times of coronavirus.
  • Optimize switch-on times and save money

    When production is running in the run-up to Christmas, nobody has time for heating control. The main thing is that it is nice and warm in the hall. Once set, the heating runs for the specified operating times.
  • The right waste heat recovery for your business - how to convert waste heat into energy in just a few steps

    Only around half of German companies are aware of their waste heat potential - this is what dena writes in its publication on waste heat utilization as part of the Energy Efficiency Initiative. This means that an estimated 226 TWh of usable heat goes unused every year. That is 36 % of the energy used by the entire manufacturing industry. Clearly, this costs companies an enormous amount of money, but at the same time the unused waste heat has a negative impact on the environment. Around 60 million tons of the greenhouse gas CO2 are unnecessarily evaporated into the atmosphere every year. In view of rising energy costs and climate protection targets, companies simply can no longer afford to do this.
  • How to heat offices with machine waste heat almost free of charge

    Almost all machines produce waste heat. Compressed air systems or curing ovens are at the forefront here, with enormous heat emissions. However, this usually dissipates unregulated in the building, which is annoying. On the one hand for the environment, but above all for business management. This is because a lot of energy is wasted in this way, which has to be paid for expensively elsewhere.
  • Long Christmas break? Lower the heating temperature now!

    Not only politicians have pulled the ripcord, many companies are also planning to extend the Christmas break and shut down operations at least until the second week of January. Machines will be at a standstill for weeks and the doors to the factory buildings will remain closed.
  • Cleverly solve heating problems despite the crisis with a heating renovation

    Anyone who operates one of the approximately 360,000 hall buildings that have been built in Germany since the 1960s has certainly already got cold feet this winter. It is quite likely that the heating systems in these halls are over 20 years old and are likely to cause regular malfunctions or even production stoppages. Not to mention the high heating costs or the trouble with employees and the works council.
  • Why dark radiant heaters are the most efficient solution for heating your industrial and commercial building

    If you are reading this article, you are probably looking for an efficient way to heat your industrial or commercial building. During your research, you have already come across one or other technology such as dark radiant heaters or hot air. Now you want to know why dark radiant heaters in particular are repeatedly highlighted as especially efficient. We'll tell you!
  • Reduce sick leave - increase productivity

    High sickness rates are a burden for many companies. Many companies have discovered that this is not only dependent on the time of year and the incidence of infection, but can also be directly influenced. They are actively working to improve employee satisfaction and are developing suitable programs to increase this important factor.
  • Heating with heavily polluted hall air

    Dust-intensive work is not uncommon in production processes. It can become a burden - for people and for machines, such as the hall heating system. What should you pay attention to if you want to protect the health of your employees and at the same time benefit from the heating system for a long time? And is it possible to reconcile one with the other?
  • Heating with infrared radiant heaters: You should know these facts!

    A new heating system for your company's hall is a decision that needs to be carefully considered. Read this article to find out which facts speak in favor of an infrared radiant heater!
KÜBLER hall heating systems
Let's take the next step together
Every hall is different. With more than 30 years of company history, there is hardly a requirement that is foreign to us. Together with our customers, we have implemented the right solutions. If you are ready to implement economically proven heating concepts for your hall, then you have come to the right place.
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