KÜBLER hall heating systems

Energy consultant

Clever implementation of climate policy requirements
KÜBLER hall heating systems

Discover potential savings that might surprise you

Anyone planning energy-efficient refurbishment measures often starts with lighting and electricity first and foremost. Other factors such as heating systems are often ignored. However, with the right technology, a lot can be achieved here too.
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KÜBLER hall heating systems

Let us give you a few concrete advantages:

  • Up to 70 % Energy and CO2-reduction with an enormous leverage effect on one of the most important key figures: the kWh/m3
  • Even heat distribution even in poorly insulated halls.
  • Efficient even without major intervention in the building envelope.
  • Flexible heating only where it is needed.
  • Highly intelligent system control that exploits all potential.
  • GEG-compliant in new builds and refurbishments.
  • High-bay warehouse with open hall door and blue OPTIMA plus hall heating system
  • Illustrative material for energy consultants from a large factory hall with OPTIMA plus hall heating system from KÜBLER
  • Industrial hall with lighting and piping.
Red paragraph symbol, which stands for the Building Energy Act (GEG)

Our systems meet all relevant requirements

Whether energy management audit according to DIN EN ISO 50001/EN 16247, the requirements of the GEG or individual energy efficiency targets: KÜBLER's hall heating systems meet all relevant requirements and have already won several awards for their high efficiency. They record energy flows, analyze and create transparency about the consumption of each individual system component. For your customers, this means Precisely documented energy-saving measures - and easy fulfillment of all certification requirements. And another plus point: energy-saving technologies such as the hall heating systems from KÜBLER are subsidized. For example, via the federal government's funding pot.
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KÜBLER hall heating systems

Let the facts speak for themselves

Before you decide, you want to see the potential of our systems in black and white. Let's cast the last doubts overboard - take a look at the success stories of our customers!

Experts learn from experts - the KÜBLER Academy

KÜBLER hall heating systems
Let's take the next step together
Every hall is different. With more than 30 years of company history, there is hardly a requirement that is foreign to us. Together with our customers, we have implemented the right solutions. If you are ready to implement economically proven heating concepts for your hall, then you have come to the right place.
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