
Cleverly solve heating problems despite the crisis with a heating renovation

March 5, 2021
Engineer with tablet on the factory floor.

Cleverly solve heating problems despite the crisis with a heating renovation

Around 360,000 hall buildings have been built in Germany since the 1960s - if you operate one of these, you have probably already got cold feet this winter. It is quite likely that the heating systems in these halls are over 20 years old and are likely to cause regular malfunctions or even production downtimes. Heating problems are on the daily agenda. Not to mention the high heating costs or the trouble with employees and the works council.

The question is: What prevents operators of production, storage or other hall buildings from switching to reliable and economically and ecologically modern heating technologies as quickly as possible in order to get rid of heating problems? The answer of many entrepreneurs to this question: "The high cost of refurbishing heating systems." Above all, the budget is lacking. Especially in such uncertain economic times. Who wants to invest during the crisis?

How to get rid of heating problems and even earn money with the right investment

What many people overlook or are unaware of is the great economic benefit of modernizing your heating system. Because not only can heating problems be avoided, you can even earn real money in the process. In most cases, the cost savings are between 40 and 60 percent - thanks in particular to reduced consumption costs. Refurbishment also becomes much more exciting if it is planned as a rental model. This is because there are no investment costs. As a company, you can eliminate heating problems with very little effort and save a lot of money at the same time.

No more heating problems - a practical example from Hesse

Two years ago, a large company in Laubach, Hesse, decided to renovate its outdated heating system as part of a rental concept. The company is extremely satisfied, as the heating problems have disappeared and major savings have been made. The director of production:

"Especially in difficult times, renting heating is a great business model. A) you have no investment. And B) it allows you to change the technology anyway and make savings."

The refurbishment has also paid off economically. The company is pleased with the cost savings of 45,000 euros per year - after deducting the rent.

If you would like to find out more about how to get rid of heating problems in your company, just take a look at Contact us with us. We will be happy to advise you on heating modernization and the lucrative rental model.

By the way: The next hot tip around the topic Hall building & Energy efficiency we'll tell you next time.

Everything you need to know about energy-saving hall heating systems in practice
Saving energy is a big issue - across all sectors. If you want to put an end to inefficient heating systems, our guide is just right for you!
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KÜBLER hall heating systems
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Every hall is different. With more than 30 years of company history, there is hardly a requirement that is foreign to us. Together with our customers, we have implemented the right solutions. If you are ready to implement economically proven heating concepts for your hall, then you have come to the right place.
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